🔍Modern problems require modern solutions!


Modern problems require modern solutions, and that couldn't be more true when it comes to inspecting technical parts made of rubber, plastic, or metal.
Different types of defects require different inspection techniques, and it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies to ensure the best results.

For example, defects in rubber parts such as seals, hoses, and o-rings can be detected using techniques like illumination pre-processing and post-processing. Meanwhile, surface cameras can be used to detect defects like burrs, inclusions, tears, or missing material in plastic and metal parts.

By using the right inspection technique for each type of defect, manufacturers can save time ⏰ and money 💵 by identifying issues early on and preventing costly production mistakes.
So let's embrace modern solutions and stay ahead of the game when it comes to inspecting technical parts!

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